I think also the fuss J the ripper made about them relative to what they were was a bit much anyway. They did prove Barry to be a hypocrite willing to cash in on the scene he bashed on for hundreds of shows. At the same time I don't think its really lost Barry many fans. The fanboys on his forum still praise his name and the people here still think he's an idiot...
Barry admitted on the May 8th Episode Season 3 Episode One that he was a "sell-out and that he wanted make a little Money- no harm in that right?"
Yes Barry because the fact you now want $100.00 per
subscriber for a show that was intially free and has attacked PUAs in the past for charging for their Products you lack credibility.
As for the voicemails trying to sell a Fashion Consultation that charges $400 per student- as far as I'm concerned Barry is still a wannabe-MPUA and therefore is no better than them
Lets face it Barry is a broke, 33 year old has-been still trying to make Money and get attention from being mentioned in the Game (a book that came out
). He clearly has mental health problems ADHD, Autism, Aspergers, Rapid Cycling Bi-polar Disorder, Major Social Anxiety and Unmerited Self Importance Syndromme (hence why he worked for Real Social Dynamics and probably wished he still worked for them).
Instead he has no career prospects or college/University education (working in multiple hourly rate loser jobs that he can't hold down), no proper girlfriend, no children and will end up, sad lonely and single, living off Social Security Benefits.
Barry is just another example of how the community fucks you up.
Stay in school kids and get a proper career.